Heyman Partners | Integrative Coaching for Transformational Growth

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The Gift of Clarity: Aligning What Matters

As 2020 draws to a close – none too soon – I’m sitting with my annual question around what word, and theme, I want to guide me into and through the next year. As ever, I want it to be not just a source of inspiration, but timely and relevant, reflecting my most powerful recent learnings. Thus, for the next twelve months, I choose to be motivated and informed by Clarity.

Over the past year, so much has been clarified for me – and others – about what is essential, what we can eliminate, and what we want to emerge (a practice from the Adaptive Leadership playbook that I just love).  The global pandemic has laid bare excruciating systemic inequality and weaknesses in numerous aspects of our society; it has also reminded us of what true heroes look like.  We have seen epic failures of leadership, and incredible acts of generosity.  Identified what can be done well remotely while highlighting the power and beauty of community.  What is clear is that this proverbial ring of fire through which we are passing leaves little doubt about what really matters: home; relationships; health - of our planet, our minds and bodies, and our loved ones; connection; meaningful work; and what I hope is a renewed and invigorated commitment to true diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging.

Looking ahead, I’m embracing Clarity with excitement and an understanding that what may become clear may not always be pretty. Seeing clearly means owning our part in each relationship in which we find ourselves. The good and the not so good. It entails communicating with both intention and honesty. Being clear about what you want – and what you don’t. About what’s important, and what isn’t. About where you’re great, and where you need to grow. 

I counsel my clients to work towards clarifying expectations around roles and responsibilities, goals, and vision. This helps them “game success” by getting everyone on the same page about core elements of both culture and operations. It’s a key feature of high-performing individuals and teams, and while it requires a bit of an up-front investment of time, I’ve seen that the return is often quite significant.

The same thing can be said for the personal side of the equation. I imagine that embracing Clarity will require even better listening, setting healthy boundaries, welcoming wisdom from multiple sources, and getting into exquisite alignment. My magical Pilates instructor, Maxine, has helped me see – quite literally – what happens when I’m not physically aligned from the balls of my feet through the top of my head. Her guidance to embrace spirals of energy, to lengthen, to stretch to my full height, and to breathe more fully with both intention and ease, is the perfect set of metaphors for 2021 that I seek for myself and for you all.

May we all get beautifully aligned inside and out with a clarity of purpose that animates our thoughts and actions.