Forbes Coaches Council

Necessary Obstacles: Challenges Help Write Your Story (Copy)

Necessary Obstacles: Challenges Help Write Your Story (Copy)

I wrote this article for Forbes prior to the coronavirus pandemic, with no foresight of what was to come. It was recently released, and although the article wasn’t intended for the current environment, it may help us reframe how we’re experiencing our challenges today.  Hopefully, you’ll find some helpful tools for learning whatever we can from obstacles – understanding that they are a part of every narrative.  While so much is indeed out of our control, choosing how to respond most effectively in difficult times is a muscle we can all develop.

16 Coaches Share What They Wish They Knew Before Taking On Their First Client (Copy)

16 Coaches Share What They Wish They Knew Before Taking On Their First Client (Copy)

Imposter syndrome can affect anyone, even the very individuals that provide you with guidance. In this latest Forbes article, I joined 15 other coaches to share some of what we wished we knew when we started down this career path.

16 Ways To Help A 'Bully' Executive Client Become More Self-Aware (Copy)

16 Ways To Help A 'Bully' Executive Client Become More Self-Aware (Copy)

Bullying in the workplace is a regrettably common phenomenon. In a 2017 national survey, 19% of respondents reported being bullied at work, and another 19% have witnessed it firsthand. While some perpetrators may purposely treat others unkindly, others may not even be aware that their words and actions are being viewed as "bullying."