As 2020 begins, I’ve chosen the theme Limitless to guide my intentions and actions for the next year. Motivated by a desire to contribute, connect and grow as much as possible, I am committed to taking my foot off of any (self-imposed) brakes that might stop me from living and working as fully as possible. I hope the following framework helps others who are in or seeking transition, feeling stuck, or are eager to create momentum for themselves at the dawn of a new decade.
How do I want to manifest being Limitless? By doing things I’ve never done before - things that are well aligned with my dreams, but represent an unknown upside. This will likely require working through some fear!
First up: I’m delivering my very first webinar later this month for a group of women executives around the country. This is totally new territory. I’m building on content that I’ve created and delivered in person by leveraging the opportunity to try a new platform, reach a new audience, and learn (likely quite a lot) about how to engage in powerful ways using technology - while working in partnership with the host.
Next: I intend to interrogate every time I say no – verbally or mentally – to any opportunity that I’m either offered or contemplating. This could be the chance to speak, to write, to take a trip or to help. Is the impulse based in fear, a lack of self-confidence, the imposter syndrome, exhaustion, or is it a valid assessment of the risk/reward/resource equation? Only the latter will be allowed! As with Shonda Rhimes’ amazing book, Year of Yes, this is about being open to the possibility of what is not yet known – about the world, a person, an offering, or myself.
Is the impulse based in fear, a lack of self-confidence, the imposter syndrome, exhaustion, or is it a valid assessment of the risk / reward / resource equation?
Truly being Limitless will also require heightened awareness and the modification of behavioral patterns – thinking, speaking, acting – that impede my ability to adhere to my highest values. For example, connection, contribution, and generosity are things I hold dear. However, being judgmental and impatient get in the way of living these values fully and well. The work ahead on this front entails a lot of compassion – for others and myself. I must engage more intensively in deep listening; think more slowly and value those who do so naturally (shout out to Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky and Thinking Fast and Slow). Most importantly, I must leave adequate time between activities to allow for the pauses required to adjust to external events (hello traffic!) and create moments of “nothing” where understanding, clarity, and inspiration can thrive.
Finally, successfully embracing Limitless will require healthy boundaries to protect it and sustain momentum. Those will necessarily include being smart and honest about the amount of time and energy required to tackle new challenges, while still being available to those I love (and to myself). It will mean saying ‘no’ to things that are not a priority; to being ruthless about not wasting precious attention on thoughts or actions (hello Social Media!) that don’t serve a higher purpose; to quieting the inner critic and all her stupid theories about why I can’t do it!
If you were to unleash your potential more fully in the decade ahead, what would you need to embrace, and what would you jettison once and for all? Which voices would you welcome, and which would you silence? Which traits might you wrestle to the ground? Answering these questions may be a great start to removing limits on living more fully and fearlessly. I’m ready if you are!