It’s summer and the world is opening up again. It feels like a revival and in many ways it is - but one that we would benefit from engaging in more regularly. How is that? Through the act of play. In this post, learn how making play a part of your life can provide relief, boost creativity and inspiration for some of your biggest challenges.
Build Endurance: Prepare To Go The Distance
We can’t ignore the collective fatigue that feels like a heavy weight we carry – both physically and emotionally – each and every day. Even with bright spots of progress, the road ahead is long, with no sense of what may come along the way. All along we’ve done our best to be resilient – bouncing back from challenges and frustrations. Now is the time that we need to be focusing on how we endure. How do we find the mental, emotional, and physical energy to keep going when there is no clear end in sight?
Sustaining Ourselves In The Midst Of Instability
Fear is an interesting emotion in that it stems from our own thoughts. However, the effects on our actions and how we go through our daily lives are very real and tangible. Left unchecked, fear can distort our perspectives in life and leave us paralyzed and unable to move forward. Here are two tips that I find helpful in sustaining myself when I’m in the midst of constant instability and trying to manage the fears that creep in.
The Power of Gathering
If there’s one thing this year has demonstrated, it’s that we possess a basic, undeniable need to connect to one another and to gather. With all the options technology has provided for us to meet that need, many of us are feeling more isolated and alone than ever. How can we design activities and establish new rituals that reaffirm our humanity at a time when gathering puts us at risk? I’ve taken inspiration from thinkers young and old to ignite my imagination.
Wellness for Communities of Color
Cup of Jo: How Do We Create Healthy Environments?
Wellness & Inclusion: Is wellness the new members only club?
We are more knowledgeable and diligent about caring for our minds, bodies, and spirits. However, the commercialization of health and wellness has inadvertently excluded many communities - leading to a lack of diversity in representation and limited access for those that may need it most. How do we get back to basics and reclaim the true essence of wellness?
CNN: What Does Joanne Heyman Think About Elitism In Wellness?
Untangle Your Mind
I’m a big fan of my dear friend Patricia Karpas’ Meditation Studio App. You can access an array of talented meditation teachers and find a style that suits your preferences. They’ve done a great job curating guided meditations, selecting approaches that offer anyone who is interested, the opportunity to explore meditation and find the voice that fits!