Cup of Jo

Cup of Jo: How to Find Your Purpose by Following Your Joy

Cup of Jo: How to Find Your Purpose by Following Your Joy

I had a wonderful opportunity to sit down for a few minutes to talk with Maya Gorgoni, co-Founder of the fashion/lifestyle brand Royal Jelly Harlem. Maya is a wife, a daughter, and a mother - like many of us. But what’s more interesting is that she partnered with her mother to build her brand (totally unplanned). Her life evolved through moments of confusion and uncertainty but also by following the things that brought her joy! Her story reminds us how things can unexpectedly come together while still being a work in progress - and the journey is fulfilling, nonetheless.

BLABBIT: Expert Advice on Developing & Living Your Personal Brand

BLABBIT: Expert Advice on Developing & Living Your Personal Brand

My conversation with Paul Geiger and Glen Ingram yielded a number of great insights about balance, leadership, and personal brand. Most interesting is how all of these come together (integration! - wink, wink) to build the resilience we need to create a full, healthy, and joyful life. Give it a watch!

Sustaining Ourselves In The Midst Of Instability

Sustaining Ourselves In The Midst Of Instability

Fear is an interesting emotion in that it stems from our own thoughts. However, the effects on our actions and how we go through our daily lives are very real and tangible. Left unchecked, fear can distort our perspectives in life and leave us paralyzed and unable to move forward. Here are two tips that I find helpful in sustaining myself when I’m in the midst of constant instability and trying to manage the fears that creep in.

Cup of Jo: The Impact You Want To Make

Cup of Jo: The Impact You Want To Make

Everything we do creates a ripple.  And yet, we often wonder if our efforts bring about any difference in the world. While the answer is always yes, the more important question to answer is, "What is that difference?" or better, "What difference do we want to make?"   One of the reasons I refer to my coaching as integrative is that I believe strongly that tapping into our whole selves is the best way to bring all of our gifts forward.

In that spirit, here is my story about how I came to understand the difference I wanted to make (for my clients and in the world) and why it's so important that we are intentional about the impact we seek to have.

Cup of Jo: Supporting Individual Excellence

Cup of Jo: Supporting Individual Excellence

As leaders, one of our key duties is to bring out the best in each member of our team. If you are concerned about performance, there are ways to structure conversations that demonstrate not just your concern about how someone is showing up and delivering (or not) but also that you see people, you care about them, and that you are a resource for their development.

Cup of Jo: How to Identify and Own Your Value

Cup of Jo: How to Identify and Own Your Value

Do you know the difference between being valuable versus invaluable? Understanding how – and why – they are not at all the same thing is the key to making better choices, choosing the roles/positions where we thrive, and ultimately creating a more fulfilling and joyful life.

Cup of Jo: Make Changes That Last

Cup of Jo: Make Changes That Last

Any day is a perfect day to make positive changes in your life. Build new healthy habits and let go of old, unproductive ones. But we're usually challenged with staying the course and making them last. Interestingly, the secret to overcoming this challenge lies in the WHY and HOW we approach this work.

Cup of Jo: How Do Personal Goals Influence Team Dynamics?

Cup of Jo: How Do Personal Goals Influence Team Dynamics?

Year end usually means taking a look back, but it’s also an important opportunity to look forward and set personal goals. In setting your goals, seeking constructive input and integrating feedback from coworkers can have a profound impact on team dynamics. Here are a few pointers on how to have the conversations that will benefit everyone.

Cup of Jo: The First Step to Overcoming Organizational Challenges

Cup of Jo: The First Step to Overcoming Organizational Challenges

If your organization isn't facing challenges, you're likely not doing any work. Obstacles are prevalent when creating change, but they are surmountable. It takes deep inquiry and a strategic approach, which is how I begin to help my clients lay the foundation to make a continued positive impact. Here are the first steps.

Cup of Jo: Where I Love To Make A Difference

Cup of Jo: Where I Love To Make A Difference

If you've been lucky enough to create a career where your skills and passion are best leveraged, don't forget to periodically reconnect with the reasons why you chose this path. And if not, there's no better time than the present to tap into your unique capabilities and your values, and to consider if there is anything you can do right now to align your vision with your reality.

Cup of Jo: Rethinking Diversity

Cup of Jo: Rethinking Diversity

Research has shown that diversity in our workforce and teams reaps better quality results in organizations and communities. But we also know that diversity comes in many different forms. How can we be certain that we are pushing our boundaries and challenging our norms in reality and not just in name?

Cup of Jo: The 3 Most Important Roles When Starting A Nonprofit

Cup of Jo: The 3 Most Important Roles When Starting A Nonprofit

I've discussed whether starting a nonprofit is the most effective way to achieve your goals and engage in mission-driven work (Cup of Jo: Should You Start A Nonprofit?). If that answer is 'YES' then you need to ensure you have these three crucial things in place when you start.

Cup of Jo: Building and Engaging Your Board of Directors

Cup of Jo: Building and Engaging Your Board of Directors

Building a strong and effective board of directors is one of the most important responsibilities of an organizational leader, and requires a thoughtful selection process with honest dialogue. Here are some ways to ensure you set the correct tone from the top of your organization.